Compassion with the Gospel
- Mosquito Nets
- We distributed 1307 mosquito nets in 3 different Internally Displace (IDP) Camps where thousands of needy South Sudanese refugees have temporarily settled.
- Orphan Education
- We provide total education costs to 38 Eighteen of these are from South Sudan and the remainder from Uganda.
- Tailoring Training and Businesses
- We trained 162 uneducated women in tailoring in two different training centers. Forty-three are now making clothes at our training centers and selling them in the markets.
- Seed Distribution
- We distributed 350 bags of 10 kilograms each of maize seeds to 14 of our Gospel Outbound churches we have planted in N. Uganda.
Gospel Outreach
- Discipleship Radio Programming
- We sponsored 64 radio shows reaching seven districts and a potential of 3 million people in Northern Uganda. Our shows have become popular on this region’s most prominent Christian radio station.
- Disciple Making Movements Training
- We sponsored eight different Disciple Making Movements (DMM) 10-day training events, training 101 students to completion. As a result, 36 discipleship groups are active and multiplying in numerous villages.
- Bible Distribution
- We have distributed 219 Bibles in the local language during our discipleship training programs.
- Sports and Theatre
- We are reaching 68 youths in crisis through our new Sports and Theatre program, incorporating soccer and biblical drama.
- Gospel Outbound Personel
- We support eight full-time and six part-time personnel in our East African ministry work.
- Office Building
- Two vehicles
- GO Outbound Uganda – long-term sustainability
- Trucking
- Land
- Rental properties
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